1) Start off with a general idea about what you are interested in.
This is usually a general 1-2 word phrase. Some general topics include:
- Media Violence
- Gun laws
- Climate Change
- Bullying
- Animal Rights
- Women's Issues
- Anything else you can think of!
2) Search for some general information about the topic, do some background searching.
- You are not looking for sources right now, just information that will assist you in narrowing your topic to a manageable research question.
- As you read about your topic, make a note of any aspect of the topic that is really interesting to you:
- school shootings and new school/building design
- fall prevention in hospitals and patient education
- plastic pollution AND pacific ocean floating plastic island
3) Create a list of terms that may come up in a conversation about this topic.
Hint: Ask yourself questions like;
- Who could be affected by this subject?
- What other issues come up when talking about this subject?
- Why do I care about this topic?
- Where is this topic an issue?
4) Write a question or statement that you'll answer or prove with your research.
Media Violence has a negative effect on children.
Do strict gun control laws reduce violence?
Climate change can be reduced by recycling and clean energy.