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Composer Birthdays: Home

Celebrate the birthdays of your favorite composers and learn about new composers!


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Welcome to the Composer Birthdays LibGuide!

Discover composers new to you and learn more about composers you already know! Use this Guide as a suggestion for music to listen to today.

Here you will find the birthdays of over 7,500 classical & film composers from earliest times to the present.
There is an average of 20 composers for every day of the year.

You may browse by month and day or you may search for a particular composer using the Search box on the bar below the month tabs. These composers are also listed at


With some earlier composers, a birthdate cannot be determined, so their baptismal date has been used.

If no specific date is known, that composer is not included.

Each name is a link to that composer's website or Wikipedia article, which provides biographical information, pictures, lists of compositions, and links to official websites, sheet music collections, references, etc.

Here are the monthly totals:

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
659 656 705 666 648 586 569 595 628 629 572 623

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Christine Adams
Christine Adams, MLS
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William F. Maag Jr. Library
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