Index to doctoral dissertations and master's theses from North America and Europe.
Contains more than 2 million entries for doctoral dissertations and master's theses. The database includes citations for materials ranging from the first U.S. dissertation, accepted in 1861, to those accepted as recently as last semester. Since 1997, new publications have been available electronically, and many publications can be ordered through the system for a fee. The database represents the work of authors from over 1,000 North American graduate schools and European universities.
Online theses and dissertations from the students of Universities of Ohio State
The OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertation (ETD) Center is an open access, online database of undergraduate, master, and doctoral degree theses and dissertation from OhioLINK ETD Center member institutions. Abstracts are available, as well as full-text when provided.
Index and abstracts of articles, books, dissertations, conferences, and other literature on music.
An international bibliography of scholarly writings on music and related disciplines. RILM provides a broad, international coverage and concise abstracts. All scholarly works are indexed (articles, books, bibliographies, catalogues, dissertations, Festschriften, films and videos, iconographies, critical commentaries to complete works, ethnographic recordings, conference proceedings, reviews, etc.). Concert reviews, recording notes, pedagogical manuals, etc. are indexed if they are of scholarly interest.
Areas of coverage encompass historical musicology, ethnomusicology, instruments and voice, librarianship, performance practice and notation, theory and analysis, pedagogy, liturgy, dance, criticism, music therapy, and interdisciplinary studies on music and various other fields, including literature, dramatic arts, visual arts, acoustics, aesthetics, anthropology, sociology, linguistics and semiotics, mathematics, philosophy, physiology, psychology, and physics.
Christine Adams, MLS
Co-Director & Head of Research and Academic Support
William F. Maag Jr. Library
Information Services
Phone: 330.941.3681