How can I find out what books have been published about the double bass? How can I find out what music has been published for the double bass?
You can perform the same searches as recommended under the Books or Recordings tabs above, but search OhioLINK instead of just MaagNET. That will find you the vast majority of materials. You can also use WorldCat or one of the books listed below.
3-volume dictionary/encyclopedia of musical instruments. The entry on "double bass" is ca. 5 pages and is divided into the following sections: (1) Structure and Tuning, (2) The Bow, (3) History, and (4) Repertory and Performers. Photos and illustrations. Bibliography of approximately 40 books and articles.
Christine Adams, MLS
Co-Director & Head of Research and Academic Support
William F. Maag Jr. Library
Information Services
Phone: 330.941.3681