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Medical Terminology Research Project: 4: Browsing Results

Tutorial for online medical terminology class

Looking at Search Results

In EBSCO Databases (MEDLINE, CINAHL, SportDiscus), browse the titles for words that show up often in order to get an understanding of what types of research are being done. For instance, Alzheimer's research seems to focus on specific drugs and how the disease progresses in patients.

Sample EBSCO Search Showing Words That Show Up Often

In Proquest, you may be able to find out what major research areas are by looking in the "Suggested Subjects" box.  For this search, we see the terms brain, dementia, and neurodegenerative arise frequently.

Screenshot of ProQuest's Suggested Subjects

Step 4

Use the techniques in the left column to identify common research areas in your general topic.


Assignment Benchmark

At this time you can choose your 2 articles and find the full text!  You can also write down some specific areas of research that you noticed!