Books can be found through MaagNet, the Maag Library online catalog, or through the OhioLINK Catalog, which locates items available at other OhioLINK institutions. Follow the OhioLINK Borrowing Service procedure to request them.
Waterway and Maritime Engineering resources are located throughout the library--the Reference Room, Serials (journals), or in the circulating collection--and arranged according to the Library of Congress (LC) Classification System. If a useful item is found in one of these areas, use that same call number to find other material on the same or similar topics in other areas of the library. See Call Numbers, Location, and Building Guide for assistance. Some of the call numbers where Waterway and Maritime Engineering information can be found includes:
Waterway and Maritime Engineering Terms with Related Call Number Ranges
Oceanography | GC1-GC1581 |
Estuarine oceanography | GC96-GC97.8 |
Density | GC151-GC155 |
Ocean-atmosphere interaction | GC190-GC190.5 |
Currents | GC229-296.8 |
Technical Hydraulics | TC160-TC181 |
Dredging, submarine building | TC183-201 |
Harbors and coast protective works | TC203-TC380 |
River, lake, and water supply engineering | TC401-TC506 |
River protective works, regulation, flood control | TC530-TC537 |
Dams, barrages | TC540-TC558 |
Canals and inland navigation. Waterways | TC601-TC791 |
Irrigation engineering, reclamation of wasteland, drainage | TC801-TC978 |
Environmental protection | TD169-TD171.8 |
Environmental pollution | TD172-TD193.5 |
Environmental effects of industries and plants | TD194-TD195 |
Water supply for domestic and industrial purposes | TD201-TD500 |
Water pollution | TD419-TD428 |
Water purification and treatment | TD429.5-TD480.7 |
Water distribution systems | TD481-TD493 |
Sewerage | TD511-TD-780 |
In addition to print monographs, some full-text, scholarly, scientific monographs may be found through the Electronic Book Center (EBC) and the keyword search terms "Waterway Engineering," or “Maritime Engineering.” Three other collections of electronic books are Safari Books, Wiley Online Books, and the EBSCO E-Book Collections.