Searches primarily print resources located in the Wilcox CRC or Maag Library!
Searches primarily print resources available in other Ohio academic libraries!
Look here for electronic journal articles!
See if your instructor has placed course materials on physical or electronic reserve in Maag or the CRC!
See what items you have checked out, fines, due dates, renewals, if OhioLINK materials have arrived, and more!
If you can't find a book in MaagNET or OhioLINK, or you can't find an article full text, just order it!
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If you are looking for books, videos, or other print materials, you should first look in MaagNET which searches Maag Library and the Wilcox CRC. If you do not find what you need in MaagNET, look next in OhioLINK, which searches for materials available through other Ohio academic libraries.
Call numbers starting with:
BF = Psychology
HM = Sociology
HQ = The Family
HV = Social Pathology
RJ = Pediatrics
See the CRC Collections Guide for more information.
Can't find the book you need on MaagNET or OhioLINK?
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