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CRC Collections: Nonfiction & Poetry

A guide to all the materials located in the Wilcox Curriculum Resource Center.

Dewey Collection

What is the CRC Nonfiction & Poetry Collection?

  • The Nonfiction & Poetry Collection contains informational and poetry books for preK-12.

How long do they checkout with my YSU ID?

  • Nonfiction & Poetry books check out until the last day of the semester.

How many Nonfiction & Poetry books do you have?

  • The CRC has 3,301 children's Nonfiction & Poetry books.



What's new?

What's new in the Nonfiction & Poetry Collection?

Added April 2024:

Added March 2024:

Added February 2024:

Added January 2024:

Added November 2023:

Added October 2023:

Added September 2023:

Added August 2023: