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CINAHL Plus with Full Text (EBSCO): Time Savers

Create a My EBSCOhost Account

Follow the instructions below to create your free My EBSCOhost account.

  1. Click the Sign In link. EBSCOhost displays the Sign In screen.
  2. Click the Create a New Account link. EBSCOhost displays the Create a new account - Personal Account screen.
  3. Complete the fields on the Create a New Account screen and then click Save Changes. If all the information is accepted, EBSCOhost displays a message informing you that your account has been created.
  4. Click Continue to complete the account creation and log in to your My EBSCOhost account.


  • Record your user name and password immediately after you create it. Due to its privacy policy, EBSCO Publishing is unable to obtain and give out user ID and password information.
  • The email address you enter when signing up will be used to notify you of expiration of alerts as well as changes to alerts.

Using Folders

You can save documents to a folder to export as a group, or to save indefinitely. 

NOTE: If you want to save articles indefinitely, you MUST create a My EBSCOhost Account and log in.  If you do not, your folders will be lost when you close your browser window.

Search Multiple Databases at Once

You can search multiple EBSCO databases without repeating your search process. 

1) click on Choose Databases

Screenshot of choosing databases



2) Select the databases you wish to search.  Some of the medically focused databases are: MedLine with Full Text, Health Source: Nursing and Academic Edition, and CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Click 

Screenshot of databases in choosing databases


Subject Guide

What is My EBSCOhost?

In CINAHL, you can create a free My EBSCOhost folder which will enable to you to do the following:

  • Save citations in a folder
  • Save searches
  • Receive search alerts
  • Receive journal alerts
  • Share citations

Items will remain in your My EBSCOhost folder until you remove them.