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CINAHL Plus with Full Text (EBSCO): Citation Tools

Tools for a Detailed Record

Screenshot of detailed record tools

Tools for Citations in a Folder

Screenshot of tools for records in folder

"Cite" Tool

The Cite button tool helps you convert the CINAHL information into a citation formatted into the style of your choice.

Click on Cite button to open up the Citation Format panel (see image below).

Scroll down the list to find the citation style that you need. Copy the citation and paste it into your document.

Double-check the citation for errors. You need to pay special attention to personal names, capitalization, and dates. Consult your library resources for the exact formatting and punctuation guidelines for your particular citation style.

Citation Format panel

Useful Tools

The screenshots to the right show the different citation tools that are available.

Add to folder: Add a citation to the folder, a temporary place for you to save citations that you want to keep. Citations in folders can then be printed, emailed, saved as a file, or exported to EndNote.

Print: Prints the detailed record AND the article if it is available in HTML or PDF format.

E-Mail: Emails the citation AND the article if it is available in HTML or PDF format.

Cite: Converts the citation information of the article(s) in AMA, APA & other citation styles. See the "'Cite' Tool" box (located to the right, below the screenshots) for more information.

Export: Export the citation information for a reference management tool. See the "Organizing Citations" tab for more information.

More Citation Help

If you would like to check your citations, I recommend the Owl at Purdue site below: