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Marketing & Advertising Library Guide: BUSINESS DATABASES


In the United States, there are two primary numbering systems used to identify industries. Because several of the databases allow you to search by these codes, locating the relevant code can be very useful when researching an industry.

NAICS LogoNAICS: North American Industrial Classification System
Newer of the two systems and is gradually being established as the standard classification system for industries in the United States, Canada and Mexico. It is revised every five years.


Standard Industrial Classification CoverSIC: Standard Industrial Classification
Older of the two systems. SIC numbers are gradually being phased out, but are still used in databases and some print sources. SIC codes have been traditionally used for U.S. industries.


Use the databases listed below to search for business articles and other types of business information. Many articles may be found full-text, while others may only be indexed. If you are unable to locate the full text of an article, search for the journal title in BrowZine Journal Search or Maag Journal Finder. If Maag does not offer full-text access, use Request Forms to request the article electronically. InterLibrary Loan can locate most articles and will email your YSU email with a PDF attachment. This service usually takes a few days but is dependent upon other institutions fulfilling the request.

Click on the database titles below. When off campus, you will be required to authenticate with your last name and YSU ID# (“Y” number found on your YSU ID).

For complete list of available databases, see A-Z Research Databases.


Business Source Complete ButtonBUSINESS SOURCE COMPLETE (EBSCO)
 Scholarly business database providing full text journals in all disciplines of business. Additional content includes financial data, books, monographs, major reference works, book digests, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses and more.

Business Abstracts with Full Text ButtonBUSINESS ABSTRACTS WITH FULL TEXT (EBSCO)
Business magazines and scholarly journals. Full text articles from more than 510 key publications dating back to 1995 and access to product evaluations, interviews, biographical sketches, corporate profiles, obituaries, surveys, statistical rankings, book reviews and reports from associations, societies, trade shows, conferences and more.

Business Collection ButtonBUSINESS (Gale OneFile)
Provides full-text coverage of all business disciplines including accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management and strategy, as well as business theory and practice. Users will understand the activities of companies and industries worldwide through nearly 4,000 leading business and trade publications, updated daily. Complementing these titles is a selection of international, U.S., and regional news publications.

Business Insights: Global ButtonBUSINESS INSIGHTS: GLOBAL (Gale)
Provides students and researchers with the broad yet detailed coverage of international business. Gale Business Insights: Convenient and comprehensive way to access timely case studies, full-text articles, and robust data sets coupled with authoritative references and tools for analysis. This unique resource empowers users to not only research topics but also to interpret their research.

EconLit, the American Economic Association’s database, is the world’s foremost source of references to economic literature. Contains more than 785,000 records from 1969-present and covers virtually every area related to economics.

Business Economics & Theory Collection ButtonECONOMICS & THEORY (Gale OneFile)
Offers instant access to full-text academic journals and magazines--with a strong emphasis on titles covered in the EconLit bibliographic index. It includes more than 1,800 titles. Content is useful for starting a business, marketing a product, developing policy, analyzing trends, constructing economic models, investing for the future, researching rates, and more.

Entrepreneurial Studies Source ButtonENTREPRENEURIAL STUDIES SOURCE (EBSCO)
Topics relevant to entrepreneurship and small business. Full text for more than 125 key periodicals, 135 reference books, case studies, thousands of company profiles and over 600 videos with transcripts and related articles from the Harvard Faculty Series and Vator.TV. Subjects covered include business planning, communications, innovations, management, marketing, organizational behavior, product development, raising capital, risk taking, and more.

Small Business Collection ButtonENTREPRENEURSHIP (Gale OneFile)
Provides insights, tips, strategies, and success stories. Users find more than 500 subject-appropriate, active, full-text periodicals, including: Beverage Industry, Black Enterprise, Economist, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, HR Magazine, Real Estate Weekly, Restaurant Business, Tea & Coffee Trade Journal, and more.

Covers essential areas related to human resources, including human resource management, employee assistance, organizational behavior, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. The index contains more than 112,000 records, which are carefully selected from the most important sources within the discipline, such as: Journal of Human Resources, Personnel Psychology, and Work & Occupations.

Regional Business News ButtonREGIONAL BUSINESS NEWS (Last 30 Days) (EBSCO)
Full text newswires that incorporate news information from all over the world. Covers business, political, economic and other diverse, international news events. Contains only the most recent 30 days of information from each wire source.

Includes full text coverage from several hundred U.S. and International newspapers as well as regional business publications, providing more than 60 million full text articles.

Supports the ongoing career development needs of risk management professionals. Covers the essentials of risk management, including risk analysis, modeling, insurance, and other risk mitigation techniques. Also includes articles about risk management activities from a wide range of industries, providing powerful insights into best practices across the discipline.

BUSINESS INFORMATION DATABASES (Company Profiles, Industry Reports, Statistics, etc.)

Unlimited access to best-in-class marketer, agency and trend data.
>>At AdAge home page, click on Datacenter at the top.

Business Source Complete ButtonBUSINESS SOURCE COMPLETE (EBSCO)
 Scholarly business database providing full text journals in all disciplines of business. Additional content includes financial data, books, monographs, major reference works, book digests, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses and more.

Business Insights: Global ButtonBUSINESS INSIGHTS: GLOBAL (Gale)
Provides students and researchers with the broad yet detailed coverage of international business. Gale Business Insights: Convenient and comprehensive way to access timely case studies, full-text articles, and robust data sets coupled with authoritative references and tools for analysis. This unique resource empowers users to not only research topics but also to interpret their research.

Exclusive educational videos from top producers.
>>Click on 3 horizontal lines (top left), View All (under Subjects), then select a category under Business & Economics.

Standard source for the quantitative facts of American history. Provides data on social, behavioral, humanistic, and natural sciences including history, economics, government, finance, sociology, demography, education, law, natural resources, climate, religion, international migration, and trade. Permits users to graph individual tables and create customized tables and spreadsheets.

International Monetary Fund LogoIMF eLIBRARY (International Monetary Fund)
The IMF eLibrary simplifies analysis and research with direct access to the IMF’s periodicals, books, working papers and studies, and data and statistical tools. You will find information and perspective on macroeconomics, globalization, development, trade and aid, technical assistance, demographics, emerging markets, policy advice, poverty reduction, and so much more.

Mergent Online LogoMERGENT ONLINE
U.S. and international company information, including financial reports, company news and securities data.

Full subscription to National Bureau of Economic Research working papers.

Comprehensive tax and accounting research database covering tax and accounting laws and news on the international, federal, state and local levels. Provides access to a variety of primary sources, analysis, journals, news, cases, and rulings.

SAGE BUSINESS CASES (2020 Collection)
Collection of business cases providing faculty, students and researchers with access to thousands of authoritative cases from over 100 countries. Spans a wide range business and management disciplines from leadership and entrepreneurship, to family business and women in leadership. Most cases include teaching notes and discussion questions to ensure effective classroom use.

SAGE STATS (formerly DataPlanet)
Data download and visualization tool hosting social science data about U.S. states, counties, cities, and metropolitan statistical areas from more than 150 different government and non-government sources. It spans topics like employment, crime, religion, and education.

Offers exclusive full text for many top consumer small business reference books, as well as tools to address many small business topics. It includes business videos, a help and advice section and details on how to create business plans.

Value Line Research Center ButtonVALUE LINE RESEARCH CENTER
In-depth financial information plus objective research, insightful commentary, proven price projections, and advanced analytical tools.