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Music Education: CRC Resources

Resources for the study of the teaching of music

CRC Resources

The following Music Education resources are located in the Wilcox Curriculum Resource Center, Beeghly Hall.

You MUST have a valid YSU ID to check out any library materials.

Want us to pull the book so you can pick it up at the CRC front desk?  Click the item title to the right, and then the 'Request' button at the top of the MaagNET screen.

CRC K-12 Textbooks

The following K-12 textbook sets are located in the CRC Library of Congress Collection.  Their call numbers all begin with LT4500 - LT4540:

CRC Juvenile Non-Fiction

Juvenile non-fiction and poetry (Dewey Collection) books located in the CRC: 

CRC Books for Teachers

The following books are located in the CRC Library of Congress Collection:

CRC Media

The following items are located in the CRC Media Collection:

CRC Games/Kits

The following items are located in the CRC Games, Kits & Realia Collection:

CRC Puppets

The following item is located in the CRC Puppet Collection:

CRC Ellison Dies

Use Ellison Dies to punch out shapes.  You must provide your own paper or craft foam.  The following dies are located in the Ellison Die Collection: