If you have a specific piece in mind, you can search by title, author (person/organization/composer), or both on MaagNET. Below are general call number ranges for guitar music. You can browse the shelves or you can consult MaagNET for a listing of materials by call number. To search by call number on MaagNET, select LC Call Number and enter the beginning of a call number, ex. M467.
*Some of the recommended call numbers below contain music that does not include the guitar. For those, consider limiting the results to "words in subject" = "guitar" or "words in subject" = "guitars."
Suggested Call Numbers for Guitar Music (links provided for call numbers currently in use in MaagNET)
M125 - M129 | Guitar Alone |
M125 | Miscellaneous Collections |
M126 | Original Compositions - Collections |
M127 | Original Compositions - Separate Works |
M128 | Arrangements - Collections |
M129 | Arrangements - Separate Works |
M276 - M277 | guitar with piano accompaniment |
M1037.4 .G8 | concertos with orchestra |
M1137.4 .G8 | concertos with string orchestra |
(the materials at the call numbers below do not all include guitar) | |
M292 - M293 | duets -- plucked instrument with another plucked instrument |
M294 - M295 | duets -- plucked instrument with a string instrument |
M296 - M297 | duets -- plucked instrument with a wind instrument |
M298 | duets - plucked instrument with percussion |
M330 - M334 | trios - 1 plucked instrument and 1 stringed instrument with piano |
M335 - M339 | trios -- 1 plucked instrument and 1 wind instrument with piano (M337) |
M365 - M369 | trios -- 3 plucked instruments (M366, M367, M368) |
M370 - M374 | trios -- 3 string and plucked instruments (M372) |
M375 - M379 | trios -- 3 wind and plucked instruments |
M380 - M384 | trios -- 3 string, wind, and plucked instruments (M382) |
M430 - M434 | quartets -- 3 plucked and stringed instruments with piano |
M435 - M439 | quartets -- 3 plucked and wind instruments with piano |
M465 - M469 | quartets -- 4 plucked instruments (M467, M469) |
M470 - M474 | quartets -- 4 string and plucked instruments |
M475 - M479 | quartets -- 4 wind and plucked instruments |
M480 - M484 | quartets -- 4 string, wind, and plucked instruments |
M485 - M486 | quartets -- 4 miscellaneous instruments (M485) |
M530 - M534 | quintets -- 4 plucked and stringed instruments with piano |
M535 - M539 | quintets -- 4 plucked and wind instruments with piano |
M565 - M569 | quintets -- 5 plucked instruments |
M570 - M574 | quintets -- 5 string and plucked instruments |
M575 - M579 | quintets -- 5 wind and plucked instruments |
M580 - M584 | quintets -- 5 string, wind, and plucked instruments (M582, M583) |
M585 - M586 | quintets -- 5 miscellaneous instruments (M585) |
M630 - M634 | sextets -- 5 plucked and stringed instruments with piano |
M635 - M639 | sextets -- 5 plucked and wind instruments with piano (M635) |
M665 - M669 | sextets -- 6 plucked instruments |
M670 - M674 | sextets -- 6 string and plucked instruments |
M675 - M679 | sextets -- 6 wind and plucked instruments (M677) |
M680 - M684 | sextets -- 6 string, wind, and plucked instruments (M682) |
M685 - M686 | sextets -- 6 miscellaneous instruments (M685) |
M730 - M734 | septets -- 6 plucked and stringed instruments with piano |
M735 - M739 | septets -- 6 plucked and wind instruments with piano (M737) |
M765 - M769 | septets -- 7 plucked instruments |
M770 - M774 | septets -- 7 string and plucked instruments |
M775 - M779 | septets -- 7 wind and plucked instruments |
M780 - M784 | septets -- 7 string, wind, and plucked instruments (M782) |
M785 - M786 | septets -- 7 miscellaneous instruments (M785) |
M830 - M834 | octets -- 7 plucked and stringed instruments with piano |
M835 - M839 | octets -- 7 plucked and wind instruments with piano |
M865 - M869 | octets -- 8 plucked instruments |
M870 - M874 | octets -- 8 string and plucked instruments |
M875 - M879 | octets -- 8 wind and plucked instruments |
M880 - M884 | octets -- 8 string, wind, and plucked instruments |
M885 - M886 | octets -- 8 miscellaneous instruments (M885) |
M930 - M934 | nonets -- 8 plucked and stringed instruments with piano |
M935 - M939 | nonets -- 8 plucked and wind instruments with piano (M935) |
M965 - M969 | nonets -- 9 plucked instruments |
M970 - M974 | nonets -- 9 string and plucked instruments |
M975 - M979 | nonets -- 9 wind and plucked instruments |
M980 - M984 | nonets -- 9 string, wind, and plucked instruments (M982) |
M985 - M986 | nonets -- 9 miscellaneous instruments (M985) |
M1470 | ensembles of wind instruments (M1470) |