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TRIP Database: Full Text

Sign Up as a YSU affiliate

TRIP can link you to YSU full text options if you sign up as a YSU affiliate.   First create your account. 

Screenshot of TRIP login

Once you have created an account, go to your settings.  There will be a drop down list for you to select your institution.  Choose Youngstown State University and it will automatically link to our Full Text Options.

Screenshot showing institution registration

NOTE: You will still need to log-in using your Y number if you are off campus.  Some articles may not link to full text in which case you will need to use the Maag Journal Finder (See instructions below).

Using the Maag Journal Finder

If you are looking for the full text of a specific article you will need:

  • The full citation for an article (Journal name, author, title or the article, volume/issue number, year published, page numbers)

If you are looking for any journal in your subject area you will need:

  • The main focus area of your research

For Full Text:

1) Make sure you are in the titles tab

2) Search for the name of the journal in your citation

3) Choose the link that matches your journal name and has the year listed in your citation

*NOTE: Embargo 1 year means that articles are not available online until they have been published for 1 year.

Screenshot of Journal showing embargo


For Browsing your Subject Area:

1) Make sure you are in the subjects tab

2) Choose your subject area in the drop down menu

3) Select the sub-section closest to your research topic.  This will give you a list of subject specialty journals.

Screenshot of page showing subject search for medicine

Subject Guide