This site offers helpful grammar and writing webpages for ESL students.
Books on English Grammar
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Basic Grammar in Use, Second Edition, is a new edition of a highly successful text for high-beginning to low-intermediate students. Each unit in the Basic Grammar in Use Student's Book is presented in a two-page spread, with simple, clear explanations on the left-hand page and practice exercises to check understanding on the right. This edition includes an Audio CD with example sentences, 10 units of new material, more exercises per unit, and a section of Additional Exercises, which give students the opportunity to consolidate what they have learned. An edition without answer keys is also available. Basic Grammar in Use, Second Edition, can be used as a class text or for self-study.
Designed for intermediate and advanced high school- and college-level non-native speakers of English who need to improve their ESL (English as a Second Language) grammar skills.
With a fresh new design and a host of updated exercises and activities, the popularFocus on Grammarseries is more practical and accessible than ever. Known for its focus on English grammar through contextualized listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities, this lively integrated skills course helps students bridge the gap between comprehending grammatical structures and actually using them.