Catalog of books and other materials held by libraries worldwide.
The OCLC union catalog, containing more than 43 million records describing books and other items owned by libraries around the world. Each record contains library holdings. WorldCat covers thousands of subjects and includes records for items as far back as 1000 B.C. Materials covered in the catalog include: books, internet resources, computer data files, computer programs, films, journals, magazines, manuscripts, maps, musical scores, newspapers, slides, sound recordings, and videotapes. WorldCat does not include individual article titles or stories in journals, magazines, newspapers, or book chapters.
Documents the explosion of contemporary gay and lesbian theater, and provides a single reference for American gay and lesbian plays, playwrights, and companies.
This supplement to the revised and expanded edition of Index to Plays in Periodicals (1979) continues the indexing of plays in the periodicals covered in the 1979 volume that still publish plays. It also indexes several journals for the first time. The book, covering 4,605 plays indexed in 104 periodicals from 1977 through 1987, features all types of plays in a variety of languages, from works for children to Broadway hits, classics, and "closet" dramas. The features of the previous index have been retained in this supplement. The book is arranged in two parts: the author index containing the main entry with all information necessary to locate the play, and the title index.
The standard location tool for full-length plays published in collections and anthologies in England and the U.S. since the beginning of the 20th century. Indispensable tool for reference, referral, and collection development. Highly recommended. --REFERENCE BOOKS BULLETIN