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Engineering Technology Research Guide: Research Databases


Use the databases listed below to search for business articles and other types of business information. Many articles may be found full-text, while others may only be indexed. If you are unable to locate the full text of an article, check Maag Journal Finder to view print & electronic holdings for the journal. If MJF does not lead you to the full text, use the Request Forms to order the article electronically. InterLibrary Loan can locate most articles and will email you with a PDF attachment. This process takes approximately one week.

Click on the database titles below. When off campus, you will be required to authenticate with your last name and YSU ID# (“Y” number found on your YSU ID).

For complete list of available databases, see A-Z Research Databases.

Academic Search Complete IconACADEMIC SEARCH COMPLETE
 Comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 5,300 full-text periodicals, including 4,400 peer-reviewed journals. Also offers indexing and abstracts for more than 9,300 journals and a total of 10,900 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.

Electronic Journal Center IconELECTRONIC JOURNAL CENTER
Includes the full text of more than 7000 online research journals covering many subject areas. Most electronic indexes available to the Ohio academic community link from article citations to the full text in the EJC.

<JSTOR IconJSTOR (Journal Storage)
High-resolution, scanned images of journal issues and pages as they were originally designed, printed, and illustrated. The journals archived in JSTOR span many disciplines.
JSTOR is not a current issues database. Due to the archival mission, there may be a gap (1-5 years) between the most recent journal issue and back issues available.

Opposing Viewpoints in Context ButtonOPPOSING VIEWPOINTS
Useful database for writing a critical essay, researching a report or term paper, or preparing for a debate. Contains a variety of reference materials, commentaries and viewpoints, periodical and news articles, primary sources, statistics and multimedia.