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Country Analysis Library Guide: WEB RESOURCES


Atlapedia Online: Full color physical maps, political maps as well as key facts and statistics on countries of the world.

BBC News: Country Profiles: Full profiles provide an instant guide to history, politics and economic background of countries and territories, and background on key institutions. 

Countries and Their Cultures: World Culture Encyclopedia

CountryReports: Cultural, historical and statistical country information.

Culture Crossing Guide: Community built guide to cross-cultural etiquette and understanding. This user-built guide allows people from all walks of life to share essential tips about how to navigate an increasingly borderless world with savvy and sensitivity.

Encyclopedia of the Nations: Complete source for detailed information about one hundred ninety three countries in the world, information about the United Nations and the associated agencies, and World Leaders.

globalEDGE: Michigan State University. Data for major trading blocs & participating countries. Statistical data for countries: history, economy & political conditions. International business & trade information for the 50 states. News, events & statistical data for industry sectors.

Index Mundi: Detailed country statistics, charts & maps compiled from multiple sources.

Infoplease: Countries of the World

International Labour Organization: ILOSTAT Database: Provides annual and infra-annual labour market statistics for over 100 indicators and 230 countries, areas and territories.

International Monetary Fund: Country Information: IMF reports and publications arranged by country.

NationMaster: Country Profiles: Individual figures placed alongside those of other countries and shown relative to population. Allows users to generate graphs based on numerical data extracted from the CIA World Factbook and other sources.

OECD: Countries

Trading Economics: Information for 196 countries including historical data for more than 300,000 economic indicators, exchange rates, stock market indexes, government bond yields and commodity prices. Data is based on official sources, not third party data providers.

UN Comtrade: United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database. Access to detailed global trade data. Repository of official international trade statistics and relevant analytical tables.

UNCTADSTAT Data Centre: United Nations Conference on Trade & Development. Offers ready-to-use analytical groupings, with a unique coverage for countries and products and a particular focus on developing and transition economies.

UNdata: United Nations Statistics Division. Popular statistical tables, country (area) and regional profiles.

United Nations Statistics Division: Country Profiles: Central repository of country profiles of statistical systems. See a list of countries and organizations which includes a brief history of the country's statistical system, legal basis, the statistical programme and much more.

United Nations Statistics Division: Demographic Yearbook: Statistics on population size and composition, births, deaths, marriage and divorce on an annual basis. Special topics issues cover economic activity, educational attainment, household characteristics, housing, ethnicity and language...

United Nations Statistics Division: National Accounts  - Analysis of Main Aggregates: Presents a series of analytical national accounts tables from 1970 onwards for more than 200 countries and areas of the world.

United Nations Statistics Division: World Statistics Pocketbook: Annual compilations of key statistical indicators. Over 50 indicators are collected from more than 20 international statistical sources and are presented in one-page profiles for 30 world geographical regions and over 200 countries or areas of the world.

The World Bank: Source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries. Partnership of five institutions to reduce poverty and support development. Two goals for the world to achieve by 2030: End extreme poverty by decreasing the percentage of people living on less than $1.25 a day to no more than 3% and Promote shared prosperity by fostering the income growth of the bottom 40% for every country.

World Health Organization: Countries

World Trade Organization: Trade Profiles: Quick source for national and trade statistics of WTO members and countries which are in the process of negotiating WTO membership.