Visit The YSU Writing Center on the lower level of Maag Library for help with writing papers and citing sources. The resources listed below will also help you with citation format:
♦ Citing Business Sources (Maag Library Guide)
♦ MLA: Business Citations* (Handout)
♦ MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 8th Edition
LB2369 .G53 2016 - ON RESERVE (3-hour checkout): Ask at Library Services Desk
♦ Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition
BF76.7 .P83 2020x - ON RESERVE (3-hour checkout): Ask at Library Services Desk
♦ American Psychological Association: APA Style
♦ Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab: APA Style
♦ Modern Language Association: MLA Style
♦ Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab: MLA Formatting & Style Guide
*Requires Acrobat Adobe Reader
In the United States, there are two primary numbering systems used to identify industries. Because several of the databases allow you to search by these codes, locating the relevant code can be very useful when researching an industry.
NAICS: North American Industrial Classification System
Newer of the two systems and is gradually being established as the standard classification system for industries in the United States, Canada and Mexico. It is revised every five years.
SIC: Standard Industrial Classification
Older of the two systems. SIC numbers are gradually being phased out, but are still used in databases and some print sources. SIC codes have been traditionally used for U.S. industries.