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Free Evidence Based Practice Tools: Understanding Evidence

Tools for evidence based practice that can be used at any institution

Using Evidence in Practice

To be used in practice, evidence must be:

  • Fast
  • Easy to access
  • Easy to understand

Most medical professionals say that they consult a colleague if they are uncertain about a course of treatment at the point of care.  But, with the tools that are available, it's actually very easy to consult the medical literature.  The more often you use these resources, the easier it will become!

Wahoush, O., Banfield, L. (2014). Information literacy during entry to practice: Information-seeking behaviors in student nurses and recent nurse graduates. Nurse Education Today, 34:208-13

Tools for EBP in Nursing

Presentation by Maria Barefoot

Types of Evidence

Filtered Information versus Unfiltered Information

  • Filtered articles are the fastest way to access evidence
  • Unfiltered articles are the building blocks for any systematic review, meta-anaysis, practice guideline, or other article synopses