The following classifications are used for nursing professions. Any profession with the same number will find their information grouped together with others using the same number.
29-1151 Anesthetists, Certified Registered Nurse (CRNA)
29-1151 Anesthetists, Nurse
29-1171 Cardiology Nurse Practitioners
29-1171 Family Practice Nurse Practitioners
29-1171 Gerontological Nurse Practitioners
29-2061 Licensed Practical Nurses
29-2061 Nurses, Pediatric Licensed Practical
29-1161 Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM)
29-1150 Nurse Anesthetists
29-1170 Nurse Practitioners
29-1141 Nurses, Psychiatric
29-1141 Nurses, Registered
29-1141 Hospice Registered Nurses
29nn-1141 Coronary Care Unit Nurses
29-1141 Clinical Nurse Specialists
31-1014 Nursing Care Attendants
31-1014 Certified Nursing Assistants
31-1014 Certified Nurse Aides
25-1072 Clinical Nursing Professors
The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides information for occupations that are listed in the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC). Not all nursing specialties are available. The ones that are available include: