To actually do your search, you'll need to access the CINAHL database. Click on the link below, choose YSU from the drop down menu, and then enter your YSU credentials including:
Your Full name (ie John Smith)
Your Y number (ie Y00222222)
Click Here for CINAHL Plus with Full Text
From the previous step, you have a search statement that looks something like this:
(Surgical Patient OR Post-Operative OR Surgery) AND (Hand washing OR soap water OR disinfection OR hygiene) AND (infection prevention OR cross-infection OR surgical wound)
You can simply copy and paste each section into the search box like the example below.
*Notice that the AND is already supplied for you in the drop down box. I did include the Parenthesis in my search boxes.
You do not need to change the "select a field" drop down box. Click Search when you are done.