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Nursing Research NURS3749: 3: Search Examples

Putting a Search Statement into CINAHL

To actually do your search, you'll need to access the CINAHL database.  Click on the link below, choose YSU from the drop down menu, and then enter your YSU credentials including:

Your Full name (ie John Smith)

Your Y number (ie Y00222222)

Click Here for CINAHL Plus with Full Text

From the previous step, you have a search statement that looks something like this:   


(Surgical Patient OR Post-Operative OR Surgery) AND (Hand washing OR soap water OR disinfection OR hygiene)    AND (infection prevention OR cross-infection OR surgical wound)

You can simply copy and paste each section into the search box like the example below.

*Notice that the AND is already supplied for you in the drop down box.  I did include the Parenthesis in my search boxes.

Screenshot of CINHAL search strategy in search box


You do not need to change the "select a field" drop down box.  Click Search when you are done.