In the CINAHL database, you can read the abstract to understand what the article is about. If it answers your research question, then you may want to pursue reading the entire article.
NOTE: If you do not immediately see the Abstract, you can edit the Page Options on the left to the detailed view, or you can click on the title of the article to see the abstract.
When you evaluate your results, you should ask yourself if they include all of the appropriate areas to answer your clinical question.
Article 1: I can see from the abstract that it discusses surgical patients, hand hygiene, and infection prevention. So this would be an appropriate article. I can also see that they use the term "SSI" or "Surgical Site Infection" I did not include that in my original search, so I may want to add that to my search box above.
Article 2: This discusses infection after surgery, but instead of looking at hand hygiene, it is examining oral hygiene. This tells me that the term "hygiene" is too broad and is giving me unwanted results. I can delete this term from my search to try and get a more accurate result.
In addition to these changes, I may want to use some of the limiters listed on the left side including research article, peer review, or evidence-based article filters.
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What ways can you change your search to make it better?