If you are looking for the full text of a specific article you will need:
If you are looking for any journal in your subject area you will need:
For Full Text:
1) Make sure you are in the titles tab
2) Search for the name of the journal in your citation
3) Choose the link that matches your journal name and has the year listed in your citation
*NOTE: Embargo 1 year means that articles are not available online until they have been published for 1 year.
For Browsing your Subject Area:
1) Make sure you are in the subjects tab
2) Choose your subject area in the drop down menu
3) Select the sub-section closest to your research topic. This will give you a list of subject specialty journals.
Sometimes you will find an article that is not available full text. To get a copy of this article for free you can fill out the Journal Article Request Form. Note: This process can take 1-2 weeks to complete depending on responses from other libraries.
1) Go to the Journal Article Request Form. You will be asked to log in if you have not already.
2) Fill out the citation information for the article you want, then click "SUBMIT THIS REQUEST" when finished.