Not sure where to start? Search Everything simultaneously searches MaagNET, the OhioLINK Library Catalog, and most of the research databases for books, articles, ebooks, government documents, theses & dissertations, etc.
Visit the Maag Library Home Page, click on the "Search Everything" tab, enter your keywords, and Search.
Use the left sidebar to refine and limit your results.
Use the OhioLINK Library Catalog to locate items available from other OhioLINK institutions. Available items may be requested and delivered to Maag Library for checkout (allow 3-5 business days).
Use the same search techniques to search the OhioLINK Library Catalog that you use in MaagNET. Once you have located a book that you would like to request, check the Status column under Library Holdings. You may have to click on Display Holdings of OhioLINK Libraries. As long as one of the libraries lists the book as AVAILABLE, you may request it:
To check the status of your request, go to your Library Account and log in using your name and YSU ID#. A request will have one of three statuses: REQUESTED, IN TRANSIT or OHIOLINK RECVD. OHIOLINK RECVD indicates the item is ready for checkout at the Library Services Desk.