Census Bureau: The Census occurs every 10 years to count the population and housing units for the entire U.S.
Data.census.gov (formerly American Factfinder): New platform to access data and digital content from the U.S. Census Bureau.
American Community Survey: Yearly data - helps communities plan investments & services & helps determine how federal & state funds are distributed.
Census Designated Place (CDP): Statistical counterpart of incorporated places, delineated to provide data for settled concentrations of population identifiable by name but not legally incorporated under the laws of the state in which they are located.
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA): Geographic entity delineated by the Office of Management and Budget for use by federal statistical agencies. MSAs consist of the county or counties (or equivalent entities) associated with at least one urbanized area of at least 50,000 population, plus adjacent counties having a high degree of social and economic integration with the core as measured through commuting ties.
1-Year Estimates: Estimates based on 1 year of American Community Survey (ACS) data. They are meant to reflect the characteristics of a geographic area over the entire 12 month period. They are published for geographic areas with a population of 65,000 or more.
5-Year Estimates: Estimates based on 5 years of American Community Survey (ACS) data. They reflect the characteristics of a geographic area over the entire 60 month period. They are published for geographic areas down to the block group level.
County = County - 050; City = Place - 160; MSA = Metropolitan Statistical Area - 310.
♦ County: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown | Warren | Boardman CDP
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
♦ County: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown | Warren | Boardman CDP
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
♦ County: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown | Warren | Boardman CDP
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
♦ County: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown | Warren | Boardman CDP
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
♦ County: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown | Warren | Boardman CDP
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
♦ County: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown | Warren | Boardman CDP
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
♦ County: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown | Warren | Boardman CDP
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
Selected Social Characteristics in the U.S.: 2018 ACS 1-Year Estimates (DP02):
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
Selected Social Characteristics in the U.S.: 2017 ACS 5-Year Estimates (DP02):
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown | Warren | Boardman CDP
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
Selected Economic Characteristics: 2018 ACS 1-Year Estimates (DP03):
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Ohio OH-PA
Selected Economic Characteristics: 2017 ACS 5-Year Estimates (DP03):
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown | Warren | Boardman CDP
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
Selected Housing Characteristics: 2018 ACS 1-Year Estimates (DP04):
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
Selected Housing Characteristics: 2017 ACS 5-Year Estimates (DP04):
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown | Warren | Boardman CDP
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
ACS Demographic & Housing Estimates: 2018 ACS 1-Year Estimates (DP05):
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
ACS Demographic & Housing Estimates: 2017 ACS 5-Year Estimates (DP05):
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown | Warren | Boardman CDP
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
ACS Comparative Social Characteristics in the U.S.: 2018 ACS 1-Year Estimates (CP02):
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
ACS Comparative Social Characteristics in the U.S.: 2017 ACS 5-Year Estimates (CP02):
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown | Warren | Boardman CDP
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
ACS Comparative Economic Characteristics: 2018 ACS 1-Year Estimates (CP03):
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
ACS Comparative Economic Characteristics: 2017 ACS 5-Year Estimates (CP03):
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown | Warren | Boardman CDP
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
ACS Comparative Housing Characteristics: 2018 ACS 1-Year Estimates (CP04):
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
ACS Comparative Housing Characteristics: 2017 ACS 5-Year Estimates (CP04):
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown | Warren | Boardman CDP
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
ACS Comparative Demographic Characteristics: 2018 ACS 1-Year Estimates (CP05):
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
ACS Comparative Demographic Characteristics: 2017 ACS 5-Year Estimates (CP05):
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown | Warren | Boardman CDP
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
Census Bureau: Community Facts
Popular facts (population, income, etc.) & frequently requested data about communities.
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown | Warren | Boardman CDP
Census Explorer: Make new discoveries about your neighborhood with the Census Bureau’s interactive map series.
County Business Patterns: CBP is an annual series that provides subnational economic data by industry. This series includes the number of establishments, employment during the week of March 12, first quarter payroll, and annual payroll.
Geography Area Series: County Business Patterns by Employment, Size, Class, and Legal Form of Organization: 2016:
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
Economic Census: Detailed portrait of U.S. economy every five years from national to local level.
Economic Census: 2017 Data Tables: 2017 Data Tables include direct links into data.census.gov.
American FactFinder: Economic Census:
All sectors: Geographic Area Series: Economy-Wide Key Statistics: 2012:
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown | Warren | Boardman CDP
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
Nonemployer Statistics: Annual series that provides subnational economic data for businesses that have no paid employees and are subject to federal income tax. This series includes the number of businesses and total receipts by industry.
All Sectors: Nonemployer Statistics for the U.S., States, Metropolitan Areas, and counties; and by Legal Form of Organization and Sales, Value of Shipments, or Revenue Size for Selected Geographies: 2017 (NS1700NONEMP):
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA
Statistics of U.S. Businesses: SUSB is an annual series that provides national and subnational data on the distribution of economic data by enterprise size and industry.
Survey of Business Owners: SBO provides the only comprehensive, regularly collected source of information on selected economic and demographic characteristics for businesses and business owners by gender, ethnicity, race, and veteran status.
My Congressional District: Quick & easy access to selected statistics collected through the American Community Survey.
State & County Quick Facts: QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more.
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Cities: Youngstown | Warren | Boardman CDP
2017 Census of Agriculture: Ohio State & County Profiles
BEARFACTS: Bureau of Economic Analysis Regional Economic Accounts: Narratives for states, counties, metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), and BEA Economic Areas. Describe an area’s personal income using current estimates, growth rates, and breakdown of sources of personal income.
♦ State: Ohio*
♦ Counties: Mahoning* | Trumbull* | Columbiana*
♦ Metro Area: Youngstown–Warren–Boardman OH-PA*
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Responsible for measuring labor market activity, working conditions, and price changes in the economy.
♦ Economy at a Glance: National, regional, state & metropolitan area levels.
>>Youngstown-Warren-Boardman, OH-PA at a Glance
♦ Industries at a Glance: 100+ industry pages which contain a "snapshot" of national data
♦ Consumer Expenditure Surveys: Measures spending habits of U.S. consumers & includes data on expenditures,
income & demographic characteristics.
♦ American Time Use Survey: Measures the amount of time people spend doing various activities.
♦ National Compensation Survey - Wages: Occupational earnings for metropolitan & non-metropolitan areas, broad
geographic regions and on a national basis.
>>Ohio: Click on TXT or PDF link for “Youngstown–Warren–Boardman, OH-PA”
♦ Businesses
♦ Available Space
♦ Business Services
♦ City Departments
City of Youngstown: Community Planning & Economic Development: Key component of revitalization efforts in the City of Youngstown. Comprised of the divisions of Community Development, Planning & Zoning, and Economic Development, the department is able to align resources, strategies, and initiatives to improve neighborhoods, living conditions, and economic opportunities throughout the City.
City-Data.com: Detailed, informative profiles for every city in the U.S.
♦ Youngstown | Warren (You may also search for smaller cities)
♦ Counties: Mahoning | Trumbull | Columbiana
♦ Ohio Bigger Cities > 6000 residents
♦ Ohio Smaller Cities, Towns, Villages 1000-6000 residents
♦ Ohio Very Small Towns & Villages < than 1000 residents
General Social Survey: Conducts basic scientific research on structure and development of American society with a data-collection program designed to monitor societal change within the U.S. and compare the U.S. to other nations.
LoopNet: Commercial real estate listings and research. Sign up for a free account.
Ohio Department of Health: Health statistics for regions or counties in Ohio.
♦ Data & Stats
♦ Ohio Public Health Information Warehouse
♦ Data Resources
Ohio Department of Job & Family Services
♦ Ohio County QuickView Reports
♦ Ohio Labor Market Information
♦ Ohio LMI Data & Publications
Ohio Department of Transportation: Traffic Monitoring: Responsible for programming, collecting, analyzing and reporting traffic monitoring data for interstate, US and state routes in Ohio. Traffic monitoring data includes vehicle volume, vehicle classification and weigh-in-motion.
>>ODOT Transportation Data Management System
Ohio Development Services Agency: Office of Research: Data and analysis on the economic, industrial, and demographic trends of the State of Ohio, its businesses and people.
♦ American Community Survey
♦ County Trends: Mahoning* | Trumbull* | Columbiana*
♦ Economy
♦ Ohio Business Structure
♦ Ohio Industry Series
♦ Ohio Statistical Areas
♦ Population Characteristics & Projections
Population Projections: Mahoning* | Trumbull* | Columbiana*
♦ Population Estimates
♦ Priority Investment Areas
State of the Cities Data System: Data for individual Metropolitan Areas, Central Cities, and Suburbs: demographic & economic characteristics of the population; current employment statistics for city residents; jobs, business establishments & average pay since the 1990s; data on violent & property crime rates collected by the FBI; local building permits; city & suburban government finances; Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) data.
Traffic Counting - Mahoning & Trumbull Counties: Eastgate Regional Council of Governments
Youngstown Public Library: Business How-To-Guides
Youngstown/Warren Regional Chamber: Mission is to provide economic development, advocacy and business services to promote the growth of its members and the Valley.
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