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Industry Research Library Guide: BUSINESS DATABASES


Use the databases listed below to search for business articles and other types of business information. Many articles may be found full-text, while others may only be indexed. If you are unable to locate the full text of an article, check Maag Journal Finder to view print & electronic holdings for the journal. If MJF does not lead you to the full text, use Request Forms to order the article electronically. InterLibrary Loan can locate most articles and will email you with a PDF attachment. This process takes approximately one week.

Click on the database titles below. When off campus, you will be required to authenticate with your last name and YSU ID# (“Y” number found on your YSU ID).

For complete list of available databases, see A-Z Research Databases.

Business Source Complete ButtonBUSINESS SOURCE COMPLETE (EBSCO)
 Scholarly business database providing full text journals in all disciplines of business. Additional content includes financial data, books, monographs, major reference works, book digests, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses and more.

>>Company Profiles: Under “More” on top tool bar, click on Company Profiles in dropdown menu. Type in name of company and Browse. Click on the MarketLine Report PDF icon to access report.

Business Abstracts with Full Text IconBUSINESS ABSTRACTS WITH FULL TEXT (EBSCO)
Business magazines and scholarly journals. Full text articles from more than 510 key publications dating back to 1995 and access to product evaluations, interviews, biographical sketches, corporate profiles, obituaries, surveys, statistical rankings, book reviews and reports from associations, societies, trade shows, conferences and more.

Business Collection ButtonBUSINESS (Gale OneFile)
Provides full-text coverage of all business disciplines including accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management and strategy, as well as business theory and practice. Users will understand the activities of companies and industries worldwide through nearly 4,000 leading business and trade publications, updated daily. Complementing these titles is a selection of international, U.S., and regional news publications.

DataPlanet IconDATAPLANET (formerly Sage Stats)
Data download and visualization tool hosting social science data about U.S. states, counties, cities, and metropolitan statistical areas from more than 150 different government and non-government sources. It spans topics like employment, crime, religion, and education.

Topics relevant to entrepreneurship and small business. Full text for more than 125 key periodicals, 135 reference books, case studies, thousands of company profiles and over 600 videos with transcripts and related articles from the Harvard Faculty Series and Vator.TV. Subjects covered include business planning, communications, innovations, management, marketing, organizational behavior, product development, raising capital, risk taking, and more.

Small Business Collection ButtonENTREPRENEURSHIP (Gale OneFile)
Provides insights, tips, strategies, and success stories. Users find more than 500 subject-appropriate, active, full-text periodicals, including: Beverage Industry, Black Enterprise, Economist, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, HR Magazine, Real Estate Weekly, Restaurant Business, Tea & Coffee Trade Journal, and more.

Full text for over 1,900 general reference, business, consumer health, general science, and multi-cultural periodicals. Also offers indexing and abstracts for over 2,510 periodicals. Contains full text for reference & travel books; biographies; primary source documents; an image college of photos, maps, and flags.

Newspaper Source ButtonNEWSPAPER SOURCE (EBSCO)
Full text for 185 national (U.S.) and international newspapers, including Christian Science Monitor, USA Today, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The Times (London), Toronto Star, etc. Selective full text for 392 regional (U.S.) newspapers. Full-text television & radio news transcripts from CBS News, CNN, CNN International, FOX News, NPR, etc.

Mergent Online LogoMERGENT ONLINE
U.S. and international company information, including financial reports, company news and securities data.
>>Report Search tab → Industry Reports → Select Industry and Region → Search


Value Line Research Center ButtonVALUE LINE RESEARCH CENTER
In-depth financial information plus objective research, insightful commentary, proven price projections, and advanced analytical tools.