The Curriculum Resource Center is located on the first floor of Beeghly Hall. It has amazing resources to help education majors and student teachers.
The Maag Lobby is a great place for individual study.
Two Podcast Rooms are located on the lower level. Checkout a key at the Library Services Desk on the main floor. Rooms are equipped with microphones, MAC computers with updated software, and headphones.
A Family Study Room is located on the lower level of the library for student parents to study with their children. The space provides child-friendly furniture, children’s books, toys, and technology. Checkout a key at the Library Services Desk on the main floor.
Fit Bikes are available for use on floors 3 and 4 of the library. Get some exercise in while you study!
The Reference Lab is located on the main floor of the library for computer use, printing, and scanning. This is also a great space for individual study.
Maag Café is located on the 3rd floor of the library and is open during fall and spring semesters.
Group Study Floors are located on 3, 3A, 4 and 4A. White boards are located throughout the library. Dry erase markers kits can be checked out at the Library Services Desk on the main floor.
Silent Study Floors are located on 5, 5A, 6 and 6A. White boards are located throughout the floors. Dry erase markers and erasers can be checked out at the Library Services Desk on the main floor.
Enclosed Individual Study Rooms are located throughout the library. Checkout a key at the Library Services Desk on the main floor to be returned at least 15 minutes before the library closes. Handicap accessible carrels available.
Exam Rooms with computers and webcams for taking online tests are available for checkout at the Circulation Desk. YSU proctoring software is installed. There are 10 rooms available on a first-come, first-serve basis, which may be checked out at the Library Services Desk on the main floor.
A Group Study Room is available in the back right of the Reference Lab for first-come, first-serve use.
Two Group Study Rooms are located on the 4th floor for first-come, first-serve use. Each room is equipped with a monitor and laptop connections. Cords are available for checkout at the Library Services Desk on the main floor.
A Lactation Room is available for nursing mothers on the lower level of the library. Checkout the key at the Library Services Desk on the main floor.