Learn about African American history with resources available from Maag Library and the Curriculum Resource Center: books, ebooks, journals, research databases, government documents, and streaming videos!
Use the OhioLINK Library Catalog to locate items available through other OhioLINK institutions. Available items may be requested and delivered to Maag Library for checkout (allow 3-5 business days delivery time).
Below are some of the items that can be found in the Curriculum Resource Center in Beeghly Hall:
Using A-Z Research Databases off campus:
Below are some of the ebook titles from Cambridge University Press Ebooks:
Below are some of the ebook titles from Electronic Book Center:
Below are some of the ebook titles from ProQuest Ebook Central:
Below are some of the databases available in the A-Z Research Databases list:
Index and abstracts of literature covering the history and culture of the U.S. and Canada, from prehistory to the present.
Includes more than 2.7 million articles from 150 journals in social science, history, and liberal arts.
Comprehensive coverage of the African American experience from earliest times to today. Sourced from nearly 19,000 American and global newspapers from 1704 to the present, including over 400 African American newspapers.
Includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to race relations, including ethnic studies, discrimination, immigration studies, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.
U.S. HISTORY (Gale in Context)
Primary and secondary history sources combined with media-rich selections.
U.S. HISTORY (Gale OneFile)
Provides full-text, balanced coverage of both current thoughts on events in U.S. history as well as scholarly work established in the field.
Below are some of the journals available through Maag Library:
ASC=Academic Search Complete; BSC=Business Source Complete; CMMC=Communication & Mass Media Complete; EJC=Electronic Journal Center
African American Review: 9/14/2009-present in EJC
Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy: 1/1/1994-present Open Access
Black Camera: A Micro Journal of Black Film Studies: 3/4/2009-present in EJC
The Black Scholar: 6/1/1991-present (15-month delay) in ASC
Black Theology: An International Journal: 11/1/2002-present (12-month delay) in ASC
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology: 2/1/1999-present in EJC
Endarch: Journal of Black Political Research: 1/1/1974-present Open Access
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal: 1/1/2010-present at Publisher Site
Ethnic and Racial Studies:1/1/1978-present (18-month full-text delay) in SocINDEX
Fire!!!: 1/1/2012-7/1/2020 in JSTOR
Howard Journal of Communications: 3/1/1988-present (18-month delay) in CMMC
INSIGHT into Diversity: 11/1/2009-present in BSC
James Baldwin Review: 1/1/2015-present Open Access
Journal of African American Males in Education: 2/1/2010-present in Education Full Text
Journal of African American Studies: 6/1/2003-present in EJC
Journal of Best Practices in Health Professions Diversity: Education, Research & Policy: 3/1/2007-present in BSC
Journal of Black Psychology: 8/1/1974-present in EJC
Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships: 1/15/2014-present in EJC
Journal of Black Studies: 9/1/1970-present in EJC
Journal of Cultural Diversity: 3/1/2003-present in ASC
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education: 3/1/2008-present in EJC
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved: 3/25/1990-present in EJC
Journal of Mulitcultural Counseling & Development: 1/1/2012-present in EJC
Journal of Multicultural Discourses: 6/1/2006-present (15-month delay) in CMMC
Journal of Negro Education: 1/1/1994-present in Education Full Text
Multicultural Education: 3/1/2005-present in SocINDEX
Multicultural Perspectives: 1/1/1999-present (15-month delay) in ASC
Poverty & Race: 11/1/2009-present in Points of View Reference Center
Profiles in Diversity Journal: 9/1/2007-present in BSC
Race & Class: A Journal on Racism, Empire & Globalisation: 10/1/1974-present in EJC
Race & Justice: 1/1/2011-present in EJC
Race & Social Problems: 3/1/2009-present in EJC
Slavery & Abolition: 4/1/2004-present (15-month delay) in ASC
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity: 1/1/2015-present in EJC
Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men: 10/11/2012-present in EJC
Women, Gender, and Families of Color: 9/14/2014-present in LGBTQ + Source
Keyword search or click on three parallel lines at top left of screen to view Subjects, Popular Categories, and Featured Producers. Subjects: Ethnic & Diversity under Cultural Anthropology.
Black Soldier, White Army: The 24th Infantry Regiment in Korea: Center of Military History, U.S. Army
Freedom by the Sword: The U.S. Colored Troops, 1862-1867: U.S. Army, Center of Military History
Integration of the Armed Forces, 1940-1965: Center of Military History, U.S. Army
Lift Every Voice : Planning Guide: National Museum of African American History & Culture, Smithsonian
Path Breakers: U.S. Marine African American Officers in Their Own Words: History Division, United States Marine Corps
Tuskegee Airmen Chronology: Organizational History Branch, Air Force Historical Research Agency