This human body model of the female reproductive system illustrates multiple pathologies, some of which include: adhesions, carcinoma in four common areas, cysts, endometriosis, fibroids, pedunculated fibroid tumors, polyps, and salpingitis.
Full size Breast Cross Section Model depicts common pathologies such as adenocarcinoma, cysts, fibroadenoma, and infiltrating scirrhus carcinoma. Model also shows breast structures such as suspensory ligaments, fat tissue, lymph nodes, muscles, and ribs.
Reduced size, mid-sagittal section showing the anatomy of the pelvis and testis, includes a normal size prostate. The education card shows three prostate stages including normal and benign hypertrophy.
11 parts life size human male pelvic floor model that includes the following detachable parts: bones, ligaments, vessels, nerves, pelvic floor muscles, and external sex organs.
This model is highly detailed to show the vessels, ligaments, nerves, pelvic floor muscles and female pelvic organs.