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Maag Library Medical Models: Musculature Models

1/2 Life-Size Complete Human Dual Sex Human Model-33 part

This human muscular figure includes the following removable parts:

  • 5 arm/shoulder muscles
  • 8 leg/hip muscles
  • 2-part heart
  • 2-part brain
  • 2 lungs
  • 2-part male and 2-part female genital inserts
  • 2-part intestine system
  • Detachable breast/belly covering and arms for detailed study
  • Almost 400 hand-numbered and identified structures
  • Plus more!

Head and Neck Musculature

Representation of the superficial musculature and deep muscles, nerves and vessels. The head and neck musculature model can be dissected into skull cap and 3-part brain.

Skull with Facial Musculature

The face and mastication muscles are illustrated on the right half of this skull and the face musculature can easily and precisely be differentiated from the mastication musculature by using two colors. On the left half the muscle origins and insertions are marked with colors as well(origin: red, insertion: blue). The jaw is movable and due to the flexible musculature the rudimentary chewing motion can be demonstrated. Cranium and m. masseter are easily detachable.

Muscular Leg

The muscular leg model illustrates both the superficial and deeper muscles, eight of which are removable. Tendons, vessels, nerves and bone components of the left leg and foot are shown in great detail in the muscular leg. All parts of muscular leg numbered.

Muscled Arm

This muscled arm model illustrates both the superficial and deeper muscles, five of which are removable from the muscled arm. Tendons, vessels, nerves and bone components of the left arm and shoulder are shown in great detail on this high quality muscle model. Parts numbered on muscled arm for easy identification of parts.

Human Anatomical Nasal Cavity Throat

This model shows the internal structure of the mouth, nose, pharynx, and larynx as well as structures such as cerebrovascular and cranial nerves. This exceptional anatomical model offers a great view of the human nasal cavity throat.