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Test Instruments and Measurement Tools: Searching for Published Tools

Provides information about locating scales, measures, surveys, or questionnaires for conducting research

Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print

Mental Measurement Yearbook with Tests in Print

(Click Here for Off Campus Access)


This database is intended to search exclusively for published tools.  You may have more success using just a few search terms like in the example below:

Screenshot Mental Measurements Yearbooks with test in print searchbox

Measurement Instrument Database for Social Sciences

This free database contains more than 500 instruments for use in the health sciences.  Scholars can submit their complete instruments for inclusion in the database.


Screenshot of Measurement Instrument Database website

Searching in other Databases

Sometimes, a journal article will mention or include the measurement tool that they used for their research, you can find these by searching the databases. Use terms such as Measure, Score, Scale, Survey, Tool, etc. to identify articles that mention a research instrument.

Screenshot PsycINFO searchbox


Sometimes you can find an article such as this one that uses a measurement tool that may be helpful to you.

Screenshot journal article result


Now that you know the name of this scale (Brief Accessibility, Responsiveness, and Engagement Scale) you can search for that name to try and find a copy.


You may have trouble getting an actual copy of your scale for free since many of these are expensive to develop.  Sometimes the best method is to email the author of the article and ask if they would be willing to send you a copy.