Use MaagNET, the online library catalog,to locate books and materials available in Maag Library. Search by Author, Title, Keyword, or Subject Heading. Click on a title to access the record for an item, where you will see the item’s Location, Call Number, and Status. This information helps you determine if the book is available and where it is located in the library.
Reference materials are available for in-library use only and are shelved alphabetically by call number in the Reference Room on the main floor of the library. Music Reference materials are located on the third floor of the library.
Ready Reference materials are held at the Reference Desk on the main floor of the library.
Maag Stacks materials are shelved alphabetically by call number on floors 3-6A. Oversize materials are located on the first bank(s) of shelves on each floor. To determine on which floor of the library your item is shelved, use the Building Guide online or signs posted in the Reference Room and by the elevators.
Think of as many different possible titles of a work as you can!
Think of as many identifying elements as you can!
If you are singing an aria from an opera, cantata, or oratorio, make sure you know (or find out!) the name of the larger work from which the aria is excerpted.
If you are singing a musical theatre song, it is helpful to know from which musical the song comes! Some arias and songs will be available ONLY in a complete score of the larger work!
Always know the names of the composers of the pieces you are working on/seeking!
**To find a score of "Deh vieni non tardar" by Mozart try performing the following keyword searches and compare the results:
NOTE: Use quotes around exact phrases when searching the Library catalog!
**To find a recording of "Se tu m'ami":
**To find a video of Lauritz Melchior singing excerpts from Wagner's Die Walküre, type:
Use the OhioLINK Library Catalog to locate items available through other OhioLINK institutions. Available items may be requested and delivered to Maag Library for checkout (allow 3-5 business days delivery time).
Use the same search techniques to search the OhioLINK Library Catalog that you use in MaagNET. Once you have located a book that you would like to request, check the Status column under Library Holdings. You may have to click on Display Holdings of OhioLINK Libraries. As long as one of the libraries lists the book as AVAILABLE, you may request it:
• Click on green Request button.
• Select Youngstown State from dropdown list of institutions and Submit.
• Enter your name.
• Enter your YSU ID# (“Y” number found on your YSU ID).
• Click on green Submit button.
You will see a confirmation screen that tells you if your transaction has been successful. Delivery time is approximately 3 to 5 business days. When your items arrive, an email will be sent to your YSU email account.
To check the status of your request, go to your Library Account and log in using your name and YSU ID#. A request will have one of three statuses: REQUESTED, IN TRANSIT or OHIOLINK RECVD. OHIOLINK RECVD indicates the item is ready for checkout at the Circulation Desk. Be sure to bring your YSU ID for pickup and checkout.
Search Everything: Search for books, articles, and more in a single search.
Refine your list of results using limiters on the left side:
YSU students, faculty & staff have access to electronic books through the databases listed below. When off campus authenticate using your name and YSU ID#.