Check the MaagNET Library Catalog for books, government documents, electronic books and other materials. Search by subject, keyword, author, or title. Once an item has been selected, copy or print the publication information (author, title, publisher, date) found on the title page of the book or from the catalog record so the item can be properly cited later. For assistance in creating Works Cited or Bibliographic References pages see Citing Resources. Finally, note the item’s Call Number and Location, then check the Building Guide to see which floor the item is located on.
Analytical Chemistry | QD71-QD142 |
Inorganic Chemistry | QD146-QD197 |
Organic Chemistry | QD241-QD441 |
Biochemistry | QD415-QD436 |
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry | QD450-QD801 |
Photochemistry | QD701-QD731 |
Crystallography | QD901-QD999 |
Genetics | QH426-QH470 |
Animal Biochemistry | QP501-QP801 |
Pharmacology | RM1-RM931 |
Chemical Technology | TP1-TP1185 |
Search the OhioLINK Library Catalog for items not available at Maag Library but owned by other Ohio colleges and universities. If an item's status indicates it is available, it may be requested from another OhioLINK institution. Follow the OhioLINK Borrowing Service procedures to request Items or view our Ordering Books from OhioLINK Tutorial. Typically, OhioLINK items take 3-5 business days to arrive. To see the status of a request, check your Library Account. For search help, see About the OhioLINK Central Catalog
In addition to print books, full-text, scholarly, scientific information may be found in electronic books. Use keyword search terms such as “Biology,” “Cell Biology,” Molecular Biology” or “Cytology.” Use the ebook resources listed below.
NOTE: Since YSU has access to a portion of Cambridge Core content, the opening screen limits to available full-text titles. Use “Refine listing” box (left side) to search within available titles. Using “Search all journal & book content” and “Search books” (upper right) searches ALL Cambridge Core content, including content not accessible.
A collection of 8,500+ Cambridge University Press ebooks published from 2015 forward. New titles added regularly.