Maag Library and CRC shelves are open for browsing. Print items may also be requested from other Ohio institutions through the OhioLINK Library Catalog.
Check out materials using your new Y Card in the YSU App (student life section), the YSU Portal (under e-Services), or directly at View the Video: How to Use Your Virtual Y Card at Maag.
For more information, call the Circulation Desk at 330-941-3678.
Request Forms: Interlibrary loan is available for materials not available full-text through Maag Library, including books and journal articles. This service usually takes a few days but is dependent upon other institutions fulfilling the request.
Some materials from Maag's locally-held collections, including chapters from Textbooks that Maag owns, can be delivered to you electronically. Articles and book chapters, in compliance with copyright guidelines, can be digitized and sent to your YSU email. Request electronic copies of locally-held materials using the Request Forms. Materials requested from Maag’s collection will usually be sent to your YSU email within 24 business hours.
Maag Library staff are available during Library Hours to help with research and library-related questions:
The library offers many useful Research Guides to help you with your research. Listed below are guides that you may find useful for online research and learning.
All electronic resources are available and can be accessed at the Maag Library website. Below are links you may find useful for online research and learning.
Using A-Z Research Databases off campus:
When off campus, authenticate with your name & YSU ID number.
For subject-specific databases, see A-Z Research Databases.