William F. Maag Jr. Library -
Federal Depository Since 1971
Maag Library - 6th Floor
Maag Library is a depository for Ohio state government publications, and therefore receives select publications from state agencies. Ohio documents are arranged using a classification system beginning with O. For example, OH is the designation for the Ohio Department of Health; OHS is the Ohio Department of Highway Safety; ONR is the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Print Ohio documents are shelved at the beginning of the Government Documents collection on the Sixth Floor of the library.
A good place to begin is by searching MaagNET, the library's online catalog. Search by keyword, title, author, subject or government document number. Many, but not all, Ohio documents can be found by searching the catalog. Titles available online have a direct link in the online catalog. You may also search for Ohio documents in the OhioLINK Library Catalog.
State Library of Ohio: Government Documents
State of Ohio Depository Library Instructions (December 2004, Revised October 2005, Revised June 2009)
Ohio Documents Classification Scheme (1975)
Ohio Documents Classification Scheme Index of Agencies & Commissions (Updated 2008)
Absentee Ballot Request Form* (English)
Absentee Ballot Request Form* (Spanish)
Application by Relative for Uniformed Services or Overseas Absent Voter's Ballot*
Application for Absent Voter's Ballot by Voter Requiring Assistance* (Confined, Personal Illness, Physical Disability, Infirmity)
Be a Precinct Election Official in Ohio: OS 1.2:P923
Constitution of the State of Ohio*: OS 1.4/5:2010
Guide to Local Liquor Options Elections*: OS 1.2:L811
Guide to Voting in Ohio*: OS 1.2:V972
Ohio Campaign Contribution Limits*
Ohio Campaign Finance Handbook: OS 1.9:C186
Ohio Campaign Finance Reporting Calendar
Ohio Candidate Requirement Guide*: OS 1.2:G946
Ohio Elections Calendar: OS 1.16/5:
Ohio Election Statistics: OS 1.16/8:
Ohio Official Roster of Federal, State & County Officers: OS 1.16/2:
Ohio's Online Voter Registration System
Registering Your Trademark or Service Mark in Ohio*: OS 1.2:R337
Register to Vote or Update Your Voter Registration Information
Secured Transaction Filings in Ohio*: OS 1.2:Se4464
Starting a Business in Ohio Checklist*
Starting a Corporation in Ohio*: OS 1.2:C8224
Starting a Limited Liability Company in Ohio*: OS 1.2:L734
Starting a Nonprofit in Ohio*: OS 1.2:N814
Starting a Partnership in Ohio*: OS 1.2:P273
Starting a Sole Proprietorship in Ohio*: OS 1.2:So685
State Flag of Ohio*: OS 1.2:F5742
Vote in Honor of a Veteran*: OS 1.2:V586
Voter Registration & Information Update Form* (English)
Voter Registration & Information Update Form* (Spanish)
Voter Registration Instructions* (English)
Voter Registration Instructions* (Bilingual)
Voting in Ohio: Easy as 1-2-3*
*PDF documents require Acrobat Adobe Reader